Dec 20, 2005

Mad Gamer

So I visited the Kinokuniya bookstore (at the Seattle Uwajimaya) a few days back and I got myself the new One Piece as well as this beautiful $25.20 comic book by various illustrators (the cover art is by Range Murata)

and wow, it's so good... So very good

One Piece is my favorite favorite manga (that means comic book, literally) and it's humorous, witty, adventurous, and just lots and lots of cool things.

I am not a big fan of manga, but I do read a select few including Detective Conan, One Piece, and Black Cat (the anime is terrible, or so I've heard)

I've been playing a boatload of games since break has started.
The one I purchased yesterday would be Dynasty Warriors 4

I can't begin to describe how beautiful this game is.
Basically you run around as a strong guy (an officer) and you lead your troops to kill other troops and officers.

However there's a combo system, items, upgrades, special moves, horse riding, siege weapons, a bow (it sucks), and even a one-on-one duel mode

There's a Dynasty Warriors 5, however I have the used copy of 4 and it's keeping me quite satisfied for now.

At unholy hours you'll find me playing Ragnarok Online with Varun
(if you play RO on private servers, email me)

I haven't drawn anything in 2 or 3 days, so I drew this little thing for the Sakuracon mascot contest

Yes, it's still not done- I'm sorry

I'm planning on completly doing some things digitally including the pattern on the kimono, the eye, and all the colors of course.

I still have to ink this drawing and yea, a huge process. I doubt I'll win the contest, however I want to try my best (although it feels like I could still try harder on this piece)

What a huge post this was, in fact it was so huge that you should comment if you read the whole thing because that's amazing. I would've stopped reading by now, so yes- Happy Holidays! Unless I post one more before Christmas and New Years.