Jan 6, 2006

Happy New Years 2006

Well it's a new year my friends, I would like to say that the new year has been pretty nice to me so far. I have organized my room so I could actually study for once however bigger news lurked inside my house all these years. When my mother went to UW to become an accountant she also took those many many classes- the one i'm referring to is art.

Yes, I have found her portfolio, but more importantly- a huge sketchbook with MANY blank pages. I can draw big now! That's wonderful, although I don't have a scanner that big. I suppose I'll have to photograph those pieces if I wanted to share them with the world.

Anyway, John's New Years party was pretty nice. The thing I enjoy most about parties would be meeting new people and just chilling I suppose. I met some old friends, met some new people, it was pretty nice. Infact if they weren't there (and Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4) I would've left early. At one point of the party I felt like I was 12, when I ate all the food and wanted to beat the crap out of many of those who came.

My New Years resolution is to attend college but stay as an artist. Hopefully I will get into UW Bothell, Western Washington, or the main UW campus.

Alright I think that's all, happy New Years to you all, I'm going to go make myself a nice sandwich.