Mar 19, 2006

Cutting the Momentum of Addiction

I have to stop playing this game... I'm serious. I've made 13 friends in 2 weeks because of all the addicted game play. I was maybe playing a bit of games here and there but right now it's like II spend every breathing second in this MMORPG. There are bots in this game, all the bots have garbled english names.

This reminds me when I used to play this game in korean beta. It was a big deal back then, there were lots of english players on the servers. The koreans absolutely hated the Americans because of an incident involving a military tank which ran over two l
ocal girls coming home from school. Anyway, so some forum members and I had a nice party and we were hunting some jelly enemies or something. Then out of nowhere a huge mob of koreans ran around us in circles saying, (typing?) "Go home Americans! FUK YOU!" and things of that sort."

I couldn't escape.

I mean, I'm Japanese, and saying that would just complicated things so I just didn't say anything and kept playing right? (nice grammar here) Then my teammate at the time retaliated with a "We're Canadian!" and then guess what happened? Yea, they all disappeared. It was pathetic. Ah, racism at its finest.

Okay, I'm going to scan in some sketches, finish my CP (culminating project) paper, and then start finishing up my gallery so that its viewable to all those who are interested.

After all this gaming I would like to say, "Two weeks is nothing compared to this guy." (see image)