Jun 18, 2006


I have a job! That means I'm busier! That is NOT a bad thing because I will use the money to buy things that will help reduce procrastination so I'll upload more stuff up here! Like a tablet. Mmm TABLET. I could use a WACOM graphire tablet. Anyway-

Wait for updates on my website! My main page should notify you of when this page is last updated... although it's inaccurate at times. If you haven't realized it yet, I have a comic in the comics section. This is since 6/06/06 so uh yeah- if you were unaware and don't read my main page... I just told you. My main page is where news goes... FYI. Maybe I should have a news section... ugh

Very nice music... not very new but uh... I just wanted to say that the Samurai Champloo soundtrack and the Cowboy bebop soundtrack are both very very nice. Wasn't the director or something the same for those two? I think so, anyway. Onwards to a brighter future!