Jun 21, 2006

Opinions and Shit

I am procrastinating on life. Isn't that funny? I think so too. Perhaps I'm not procrastinating on life, perhaps I'm just... living life at a slow pace. Yes, that might be it. Just slowing down a crazy drive down the street of life... Oh that made no sense but I don't care.

Haven't really said much about film. I love movies. I really do. Especially independent films, some of them are just amazing. I only got to see one during the Seattle International Film Festival because I was busy dealing with my insane father so I didn't even know it was going on. The one film I got to see was "Live Free or Die". Absolutely hilarious... geez. I don't really give a fuck what rating IMDB gives to movies. IMDB can suck my dick.

I don't say that often about things, infact I've never used that insult. So I'm sure you all have an idea of how much I dislike website opinions. The funny thing is, this is also an opinion. That means that you have to make your own fucking opinion by reading this. Whether you read this and say, "Oh damn, Casey is motherfucking right." or "Holy shit that is one cynical asian motherfucker." Point is, you all have a brain, please use it. I don't think I see enough of that lately. The using of the brain. Watch the movie if it's in your area. I apologize if you dislike black humor. Actually, you shouldn't be here if you don't like black humor. Black humor is fucking hilarious. So much profanity... I apologize.