Jun 28, 2006

Summer's Here Bitches

Well it would seem that the place where I reside (Redmond, WA) has hit its fucking record when it comes to temperature. That means it's hot here. Real fucking hot. It was fucking hot. Really. No seriously. For Seriously. Geez.

Currently I have a new laptop. Lovely indeed. It's a compaq but hey, it's real fast. Fucking fast. It's better than my desktop that I upgraded recently. AMD athlon and a 128mb Radeon. Just looked it up, a Presario X6000. Definitely good enough for Photoshop. The nifty shit about laptops is that it doesn't take up space. At all. So I can also use that lovely tablet I'm hopefully getting real soon. A WACOM Graphire tablet a 6x8 as well. Isn't that just lovely? Very. My brother has these nice speakers hooked up to my laptop as well. Creature II speakers by JBL, ask google what they are. Google will reply, "How do you not know what Creature II's are? They're fucking awesome. Awesome as MDRV700 Headphones that's how awesome motherfucker."

Oh, and working is fun, I don't know what you people whine about all the time. Whine whine bitch bitch. If you have a shitty job, get a new one.

If you haven't heard of Louis CK yet, you're missing out. A very cynical comedian. But most comedians are aren't they? Check out his webby at http://www.louisck.com