Jun 29, 2006

Internet Hatred

There are many kinds of people I dislike on the internet. In fact I will make a list, yes- a list. There's THAT much.

1. Advertisers. People who make advertisements.
ex: Viagra

2. Assholes. People who use the internet to relieve stress (in the form of pissing people off)

3. Forum whores. You people have a superiority complex. Nobody gives a shit if you have 2415 posts. Be nicer, stop being the "King of the Forums" and get outside more.
ex: Obviously you have NOT read the rules! You cannot do that! I CAN, but you CAN'T

4. Narcissts. People who think that their opinion is absolute and won't care to understand both sides.
ex: God he is like so stuped! Of corse the Matrix was the best movie ever, what is Citizen Kate?? Obvioiusly STupid!

5. Bloggers: Man these people are SO stupid, like ridiculous. Writing opinions on the internet like someone might care. Oh wait, that's me.

I'm sure there's more, but I think that's offensive enough.