Sep 23, 2006

On Gay Marriage

Hey folks, here I am. I've done lots of normal shit over the past few days.
Jobs and other jobs. Not much time... but I quit yesterday and now I'm a bit more free and happier now that I can work on stuff.

Now a personal opinion on gay marriage:
As long as people are passionately against gay marriage. People will be passionately against people who are passionately against gay people.

It's true this isn't a big problem in this country, but I'm sure it is to gay people. Personally I think people shouldn't be getting married at all.

Is that an absurd idea? Tell that to the gays who want to get married.

Anyhow- as Louis CK has put it. Sex is the one thing that doesn't affect anyone.
[ And I don't understand the arguement against it, legally. I mean I know what their problem is but how do they argue it in court? You know like, I can imagine like when they get to the supreme court and the lawyers for the gay side are like, "Well your honor, we pay taxes, there's nothing illegal about what we do, we're the same as everyone else. Why shouldn't we get the same protection from the laws that heterosexuals get?" and then they ask the other lawyer and he says, "Your honor, they're fucking quag! They're fucking quag!"
That's it isn't it? Isn't that the whole argument?
"Well okay chancellor but I don't see how that has--"
"What are you a fucking faggot? Your honor you gotta get a fuckin beatin. Faggooot!!"
Isn't that the whole argument? ]

and now a personal opinion to end this post:
lesbians are hot