Feb 9, 2007

Copyright vs Imagination

Lately people seem to be suing the fuck out of each other because of copied ideas. It's pretty hard to be original at anything these days... Harry Potter was accused for being a stolen idea, The Pirates of the Caribbean, A Coca Cola Light commercial over in England, shit like that.

It seems that the gift of insanity is being noted and more and more just because everything that's "normal" has already been taken by the massive population of Earth. That means that if you want to be an artist you need to either be A) Extremely extremely talented/fast/whatever or B) Just fucking crazy. The shitty artists are the ones that draw the stupid doodles for elementary school textbooks. These people have an art degree and no talent- or they assumed they did, and failed at life. (Think hard, are you one of these folks?)

Examples of insane and/or imaginative artists:
http://rathergood.com - Joel Veitch
http://www.feric.com/ - Eric Feng
http://www.scottradke.com/ - Scott Radke

Some not so modern artists include:
(they aren't modern because they don't have a website)
Stephen Gammell
Vincent Van Gogh (clearly insane)

Life is tough, but that's what makes it fun right?
My suggestion is a back up job if you were thinking the path of an artist, unless you're so full of yourself that nothing can stop you. I'll see your doodles in my Microsoft Word "Clip Art", friend. Maybe you'll get lucky and get some shitty job as a teacher, you never know- unless it's your dream to be a teacher. That could always be an excuse.