May 22, 2007

Awesome Colleging Shit

So I'm in college now- and I'm going to list stuff that I do there... in a list form, because I'm too lazy to think about sentence structure and that shit's annoying to read anyway. It's also going to be numerical, although not in any particular order. Let's get started then.

1. Go to classes, math, writing, portfolio. Notice I don't say what kind of math I'm in, I don't want to brag or the opposite.
2. Eat Fresh
3. Learn math at the tutor place. Because I suck at this math... it's hard.
4. Play billiards. It sounds so much better to call it billiards than pool.
5. Talk to strangers. I like talking to random classmates, though a friend is nice- because you can make inside jokes and TRUST them, which means eventually they could be useful in helping me when I think of something interesting... like a project or business.
6. Girls, my school doesn't have enough- although I'm not single in the first place- there should just... be more. Less stupid ones too. I'm transferring to a bigger college soon though, quite excited to meet some of my old friends as well.
7. Free food- there's so much free food! Hooray! In fact I'm making a free foods and events goers club- obviously unofficial.

8. Laptop- I have a laptop now, it has VISTA- are you JEALOUS!? HMM?!

Alright, so in conclusion- c
ollege is pretty awesome compared to high school. High school blows! All the idiots (err, most) are gone now so it's like- hooray for rational people! Though not always, there's quite a bit ignorant people... Maybe I'm anti-ignorant? Perhaps that's why I seem to think everyone is ignorant? Maybe I'm the ignorant one. We shall see! Not really.
There's a pool player... we call him the white knight. He breaks the balls by striking the ball like a lance... It's very interesting. We call that move the "Holy Lance" and so he's the white knight. Oh, and he's white.