Jul 30, 2007

Just sharing some stuff

Alright so I've found some awesome images on the interweb, some are from little places like private oekaki thingies and some are from communities like deviantART, either way I think you'll like em.

The one on the left here is by some guy named Eddie over at some Oekaki thing. It's very beautiful I think, light colors, it's very childish coloring but it's not exactly child friendly. Reminds me of Katamari Damacy type stuff, which is always beautiful.

The photograph is by some person... on DeviantART which is a community I rather dislike because it's green and full of anime shit. However some people ignore that and enjoy the free bandwidth that the site has to offer because they know nothing of computers. I'm glad these post their work there because some of it is pretty fucking gorgeou
s. It's called "Music is my Aeroplane" and it's some kind of photomanipulation I think? I don't know, but it's pretty damn beautiful in a classy sense.

I've been working! I spent my money on two things so far: a 500gb Seagate Harddrive and a Nintendo Wii. There are images below in case you've lived in a cave (which of course you have). I have no games for the Wii (though I'm borrowing Twilight Princess from a friend of mine) and the harddrive is fantastic and I've used about 130gb already. On what? Secret... though it's not porn.

Summer is nice... I think I want to visit Daniel Smith though their items are quite overpriced. I got a catalog from them (because I'm subscribed apparently) and so it's nice to look through it and know that I can't afford it. Did I say it was nice? I meant horribly painful. Yeah, Horribly.