Feb 12, 2006


Lately I've been bored... yep, just bored. I should be doing stuff, but I ain't. Instead, I'm just playing games and looking at the fascinating things that the internet throws my way. My favorite time waster is probably the sudoku, followed by many retarded flash games. My favorite of those flash games must be that helicopter game... Although at times there are "impossible" obstacles.

The game I've been playing recently is Katamari Damacy and Gunz. Katamari Damacy is fascinating and silly, while Gunz is what I play when I want to piss off those annoying kids. I like games that involve skill... and Gunz is satisfying me for now.

Oh! This bunny is named Oolong and passed away on January 8, 2003. I bring this up because I hit a raccoon on the way home last Tuesday. First road kill... a huge raccoon, it was horrible.
The man got a new bunny named Yuebing... which rhymes with Yu-ting... who is just someone I know. Anyway, tha
t bunny can be found here.

SmarterChild is kind of old but uh, I rediscovered him yesterday. It's been... an year? Probably more, I don't care.

What's your favorite hobby
[21:16] KCprototype88: Killing people
[21:16] Smarterchild: Wow. OK. Let's try to think of something else, alright?

I'm still an artist though, infact I doodle to the point that it worries me. This is a picture of my little artistic drawer thing. The very top of my organizer holds my schoolwork, the second organizer thing holds my doodles. Yea... that's like 15 pages of school and 100 pages of doodles. The next 3 drawer boxes hold paper, materials, and manuals to various things. You know those packs of 100 CD-R's and whatnot? I use the case to hold my more useful writing utensils and such.

Some people have been asking me how I made that pattern on my Mascot for Sakuracon... well you see, I have this neat paper- and I scanned it and uh... blended it on Photoshop. Nice description, I know.

Featured artist for today would be Okama, with a fascinating imagination that would make a wonderful concept artist. Oh what do you know? Okama is a conceptual artist, illustrator, and a mangaka (comic artist). What a coincidence? Eh? Eh? Strange name though, strange indeed.

Last but not least a picture of a cuttlefish... It was very beautiful, and yes- I found it on Google. Later, I searched on flickr... and that had much better results. However the most splendid photo out of all of them was on the Google image search.

Feb 2, 2006

To do list

I am making a to do list, to remind myself
here we go... first off a list of things to draw better:
Water and water movement
Islands and simplifying objects
3D objects, particularly machinery and gadgets
More and more anatomy
Mouths of people and basic emotions
Different types of surfaces
Lighting! Lighting! Lighting!
Okay, that's all for now.

Now a to do list for my website:
Individual pages for my neat works
Finish up the links page
Start a freaking comic and find out how to use code for that
Write the story about bazookas
Add design elements to website

That's it! Now back to school work. Darn

Feb 1, 2006


As my title suggests, http://flickr.com is the most amazing thing when it comes to photo references. You don't even need an account to browse through the millions of beautiful photos that are displayed on this website.

On another note, I finished my sakuracon mascot entry! (note: This is an ULTRA shrinked image- the original was super focused on 8.5x11in with 300dpi, which were the requirements for the image.) Anyway, I already turned it in, too late for fixes.

Um lets see... other news... I don't have much news, except that my kancer comic might be scrapped due to the fact that the character is a bit too simple and can only handle one "blank" expression. That's less than Mr. Goat. Why would I downgrade?

I'm also making a reminder for myself to work on creating individual pages for my works. This is so that I can explain the story behind the image, the work put into it, etc.

I'm forgetting something... Oh yes! I have to finish my links page, links are important. Boredom strikes hard. Today's linkage is Flickr, remember?

In a smooth mood today, I feel accomplished.