Apr 9, 2006


It's been awhile, a lot of good and bad things have happened to me recently. Lets start with the bad things shall we? Yes, yes we will. On March 22 my car was totalled from a head on collision later decided as "failure to yield" by the other driver. That means I got hit by a car while I was going straight. Doesn't that suck? It doesn't end there unfortunately. The car insurance claims that I ran a red light because the other driver said so. Let's rewind- At the scene when we crashed he said, "I couldn't see you man! The car in front of me was in the way, I'm so sorry." Excuse me but uh, please don't lie. You had a green ball, I had a green ball, you took a left- who could be wrong? Anyway, the police report came in the insurance company has taken 1 week, yes- 1 week to review this thing. They still need to tell me if I get this money by reviewing "circumstances" and such. It's impossible to get 100% isn't it? That sucks ass. It did suck ass, I've been bruised on my knees, knuckles, and my lip from an airbag that smells like a fart bomb.
RIP (Rest in Pieces)- 1997 Red Toyota Tacoma

Jennifer, being in the car with me called up Ray (her boyfriend). Then I got a guitar! That's awesome isn't it? I can't even play a guitar. But now I have to learn because I have one and it's just so damn cool you know? Yes, it is- shut up you critics.

I'm learning piano and guitar at the same time. Although currently I have absolutely zero knowledge in playing this thing. However I plan on learning during summer or even sooner perhaps.

That being all awesome and stuff, about a week after all this was spring break. Seven days of absolutely nothing! Was what I imagined at least. Unfortunately that didn't happen (unfortunate?) but instead I helped a father's friend's... son! Get into a nearby community school. I'm telling you, he can't speak english but hey- that's what the intense international program thing is for. While waiting for this intense international program orientation I got kicked out because they took a test and such blah blah blah. Walking around the BCC campus I drew many neat things on some sticky notes and I've pieces them together just for you because I'm just so nice. Afterwards I showed him around Redmond and the Bellevue area like people do.

"What are you doing in my bed Mickey? We're not hot lesbian lovers."
This is one of those lines that make me happy that I waste a few minutes of my life reading webcomics.