Jan 29, 2006

*f word*

I need a better computer... =(

Jan 24, 2006

Piano Lessons

I've started learning piano today. Way back when, I knew how to play piano, violin, and clarinet (in that order). However after many years it would seem that I have lost ALL (literally) my musical knowledge and so I decided to take on piano once more.

Receiving help from various people, today I started to learn piano in the early school hours of... the school days. Much thanks to Amanda (who will never, ever read this- unfortunately) and the other people who will hopefully help me along the way.

In other news, I seriously need to finish my Sakuracon entry which is only 1/3 done although I have 7 more days for completion.

Recent games include Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2), More Dynasty Warriors 4, Ragnarok Online, and Final Fantasy V.

This picture here is of... Seiken Densetsu 3. This is my third time playing this game because well... I keep reformatting my computer before I get to finish it. It's a great game, some crazy guy has even translated it into English (although the one here is Japanese) so anyway, it's amazing. Zelda (the gameboy kind) meets Ragnarok "Offline".

Jan 19, 2006


A fine list of techno for you to find somehow:

Misc Techno: (not sorted in any fashion)
Aphex Twin - Girl boy song
DJ Nagureo - 5.8.8.
KaW (Inspector K) - Tension
KaW (Inspector K) - Petrification
Cuevox - Reversing Darts
Brisk & Fade - Mindblowin'
µ-Ziq - Carpet Muncher
µ-Ziq - Brace Yourself
Risk Junk - One More Lovely
Sharpnel Sound - Dokudenpa
Sharpnel Sound - Torinouta
Sharpnel Sound - TGTMN
Rage - Uber Rave
The Flashbulb - Lawn Wake I (edit)
The Flashbulb - Lawn Wake IV (black)
The Flashbulb - Lawn Wake IX
The Flashbulb - Black Lawn Finale
Mars Volta - Things' Fear
Onoken - P8107
Onoken - felys
Iconociasm - Votum Stellarum

Popular Techno:
Chrono Trigger Soundtrack- Medieval Theme
Prodigy - Firestarter
Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up
DJ Taka - Leading Cyber
Akira Soundtrack - Kaneda's Theme
Mr. T - Xenon
TaQ - DXY!
TaQ - Holic
Rob Dougan - Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Mix)

Outphase - Quasar

That's all folks, tune in next time for some classical music.
I'm joking, although I like classical music... I just don't have enough to make a list.

Jan 17, 2006

Goddamn Dinosaurs

Dan's bracelet. I thought it was great... I asked for it, he said "no". Now someone else has it. I think I'm gonna cry. But instead, I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich.

Things have b
een going pretty well lately, and by well- I mean not so well. Not only have I been busy, but I have that strong feeling of procrastination creeping up on me.
I'm working on another logo design for The Breakers as well as a mascot for the Sakuracon contest due on the 31st of January. I have less than half complete on that so I am getting kind of panicky over that.

In other news, I've been playing a bit more Dynasty Warriors 4, StepMania, and Counter Strike. I'm not really bragging, I'm just telling you all what I do instead of writing my essay (which I just finished). An essay about defining a certain word. My word was value. Value is important, for instance that sandwich is worth more to me than you. Exactly. If you want to know more, read it here

Moving on, I would like to personally thank Josh for starting off my crazy obsession with food (since tacos and quesadillas). It is unbelievable that something so small has expanded this far.

OpenCanvas, a painting program that I thoroughly enjoy using has become more useful to me this week. I finally figured out how to use the tone feature (oh my goodness, it was SO easy) and so I'm quite satisfied with that.

I've created a wallpaper for you all and the folks at animepaper.net (to thank them for all the wallpapers I've been stealing for such a long time.)

A preview wallpaper can be found at my Photobucket host The real one can be found at my website shortly.
If you request any other sizes, please contact me through my email

I've also been making little buttons for my website buttons and thinking of starting a new comic project, I think I've uploaded a preview image of Fatty, my hamster that died of cancer. Since everything on my website revolves around cancer (like the fact that my sun sign is cancer, the fact that I think the definition of cancer 'unlimited growth' is neat, and some other ridiculous irrational reasons)

Anyway, all is well. Now back to studying for my finals, thank you very much.

Jan 6, 2006

Happy New Years 2006

Well it's a new year my friends, I would like to say that the new year has been pretty nice to me so far. I have organized my room so I could actually study for once however bigger news lurked inside my house all these years. When my mother went to UW to become an accountant she also took those many many classes- the one i'm referring to is art.

Yes, I have found her portfolio, but more importantly- a huge sketchbook with MANY blank pages. I can draw big now! That's wonderful, although I don't have a scanner that big. I suppose I'll have to photograph those pieces if I wanted to share them with the world.

Anyway, John's New Years party was pretty nice. The thing I enjoy most about parties would be meeting new people and just chilling I suppose. I met some old friends, met some new people, it was pretty nice. Infact if they weren't there (and Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4) I would've left early. At one point of the party I felt like I was 12, when I ate all the food and wanted to beat the crap out of many of those who came.

My New Years resolution is to attend college but stay as an artist. Hopefully I will get into UW Bothell, Western Washington, or the main UW campus.

Alright I think that's all, happy New Years to you all, I'm going to go make myself a nice sandwich.