Dec 26, 2005

Christmas 2005

I got lots of things this holiday! Everything about Christmas was pretty much great, the Roast Beef (Rib-eye), the presents, and a family reunion!
Okay so there was no family reunion (all my family live far far away so only my cousin came to visit)

Anyway, I got some awesome gifts, the first of my gifts would include 4 DVDs, 3 CDs, and lots of miscellaneous baked goods.

The DVDs to the left here... would include Steam Boy (supposedly interesting anime, have not watched yet), Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Brad Pitt is hot! Er, I'm a guy- Angelina Jolie is hot) That mo
vie was.... a "bit" unreal at the end, it was a nice movie overall though. Enjoyed the idea of the whole film.

Okay okay moving on, Shadow of the Colossus is the best PS2 game I have ever played, I think it beats everything, graphics are about as perfect as FFX, and the gameplay is like those new Zelda games. The music is climatic, the battles are very well thought out and the climbing system is just wonderful.

I think that everyone was making too big of a fuss for this game, however I am adding
myself onto the list of super fans for that game. Last but not least Chappelle's Show, which I have not seen yet (was too busy playing Shadow of the Colossus until like 4am).

Look at these pretty CDs! Lola Ray: I Don't Know You, Death Cab for Cutie: Plans, The Postal Service: Give Up.

I have been a fan of Lola Ray for an eternity and I really love their crazy crazy tunes.

I've known Death Cab for Cutie since...
Transatlanticism, Title and Registration is like... the best song ever.

The Postal Service is Death Cab for Cutie with pop music, I think it's rather good, although those who only enjoy guitars and drums would surely disagree.

Also played some Ragnarok Online, was rather proud of my 7 person party since I'm the leader and I invited them all. Private servers sure are nice, since there is no level gap for even sharing experience and lots of other great addons like extra commands and custom items/maps.

Later I made a guild with the same members! It was cool, I totally feel like a gamer right now, but that's because I have been a gamer this past few weeks.

What happened to my artistry?! Well fear not, I'm actually working on that sakuracon entry on and off perhaps every single day.

Last but not least I am leaving a reminder for myself to watch Quentin Tarantino's neweest movie: Hostel. (This image is NOT mine, same with the Dynasty Warriors one down there)

Dec 20, 2005

Mad Gamer

So I visited the Kinokuniya bookstore (at the Seattle Uwajimaya) a few days back and I got myself the new One Piece as well as this beautiful $25.20 comic book by various illustrators (the cover art is by Range Murata)

and wow, it's so good... So very good

One Piece is my favorite favorite manga (that means comic book, literally) and it's humorous, witty, adventurous, and just lots and lots of cool things.

I am not a big fan of manga, but I do read a select few including Detective Conan, One Piece, and Black Cat (the anime is terrible, or so I've heard)

I've been playing a boatload of games since break has started.
The one I purchased yesterday would be Dynasty Warriors 4

I can't begin to describe how beautiful this game is.
Basically you run around as a strong guy (an officer) and you lead your troops to kill other troops and officers.

However there's a combo system, items, upgrades, special moves, horse riding, siege weapons, a bow (it sucks), and even a one-on-one duel mode

There's a Dynasty Warriors 5, however I have the used copy of 4 and it's keeping me quite satisfied for now.

At unholy hours you'll find me playing Ragnarok Online with Varun
(if you play RO on private servers, email me)

I haven't drawn anything in 2 or 3 days, so I drew this little thing for the Sakuracon mascot contest

Yes, it's still not done- I'm sorry

I'm planning on completly doing some things digitally including the pattern on the kimono, the eye, and all the colors of course.

I still have to ink this drawing and yea, a huge process. I doubt I'll win the contest, however I want to try my best (although it feels like I could still try harder on this piece)

What a huge post this was, in fact it was so huge that you should comment if you read the whole thing because that's amazing. I would've stopped reading by now, so yes- Happy Holidays! Unless I post one more before Christmas and New Years.

Dec 11, 2005


Had a party thing yesterday, grilled chicken is good stuff.

Been finding some good music lately-
Want to point out some songs that are lovely
The Flashbulb - Lawn Wake IV
OK Go - Invincible
Anberlin - Naive Orleans
Death Cab for Cutie - Soul Meets Body
Death Cab for Cutie - Tiny Vessels

and that's it for now- I know that some of you are thinking, "Your taste in music sucks."
and well, that's okay because some things are all opinion.
Art, taste, music, entertainment, and a lot of other things

Dec 4, 2005

Lazy Saturday

Finally got this working-

Today I spent my day playing games-
yep, just tons and tons of games
Chrono Trigger, Gradius III, Stepmania, Counter Strike, Disgaea
Played all of em- guess I get bored of these things real fast-
Made me some udon champru (aka champloo) for lunch-
Then I worked on my website... remade the buttons, tweaked some settings for this blog, decided that there should be a comic section, etc.

I think my website lacks graphics- it is a bit plain besides the splash page with the shiny photo and everything.
So then I sat down and drew this little thing
Not sure how to use it yet but perhaps it'll come in handy someday- took 40 minutes
Materials: Printer paper, Sketch with Pencil, Copic Marker (100 Black), Micron 0.5, NeoPiko 0.1 Line Pen-
I realized that I have more black and white materials than colored materials.
Isn't that funny? Yes it is, haha