Mar 19, 2006

Cutting the Momentum of Addiction

I have to stop playing this game... I'm serious. I've made 13 friends in 2 weeks because of all the addicted game play. I was maybe playing a bit of games here and there but right now it's like II spend every breathing second in this MMORPG. There are bots in this game, all the bots have garbled english names.

This reminds me when I used to play this game in korean beta. It was a big deal back then, there were lots of english players on the servers. The koreans absolutely hated the Americans because of an incident involving a military tank which ran over two l
ocal girls coming home from school. Anyway, so some forum members and I had a nice party and we were hunting some jelly enemies or something. Then out of nowhere a huge mob of koreans ran around us in circles saying, (typing?) "Go home Americans! FUK YOU!" and things of that sort."

I couldn't escape.

I mean, I'm Japanese, and saying that would just complicated things so I just didn't say anything and kept playing right? (nice grammar here) Then my teammate at the time retaliated with a "We're Canadian!" and then guess what happened? Yea, they all disappeared. It was pathetic. Ah, racism at its finest.

Okay, I'm going to scan in some sketches, finish my CP (culminating project) paper, and then start finishing up my gallery so that its viewable to all those who are interested.

After all this gaming I would like to say, "Two weeks is nothing compared to this guy." (see image)

Mar 9, 2006

Talesweaver 2

Hey guys, here's some art!
And uh... yes, I am working on making a new and better art gallery (HE LIES).

Sorry friends, (friends?) still playing this AMAZING game... I made a new character- but I'm going to stick with this one. Seriously. Anyway, some screenshots to make you jealous (if you're the least bit interested).Here's my hunting party in the waiting room
I did an explosive move... hitting 11 enemies at once, yay.
Combo systems are amazing! I hit 100 for the first time here.
Some teamwork!

Ah yes... Talesweaver... Anyway, back to gaming! I mean work. Yea, definitely working...

Mar 1, 2006


Yay for games! Yay!
I'm playing a japanese MMORPG called Talesweaver... it's so fantasmic! (that's fantastic and orgasmic put together... if you couldn't tell)
Edit: Apparently Disney World has a night of fireworks and displays called Fantasmic. Damn.

Anyway, the game is remarkably similar to RO, infact the only difference would be the combo system, level system, quest system, and the fact the whole game is sprites. Now that I think about it... I guess it's not so familiar. However, I still think that 90% of the game's influence comes from Ragnarok Online. I mean look at it... Anyway, I looove this game... Unfortunately it's Japanese and you bastards can't register for it. That's great! I hate American MMORPG's! I want to kill and dissect over half of the people I meet on these online games. It's completely insane how wasted the average American mind is. Technically I was born in San Francisco, and I haven't lived in Japan for 7 or 8 years so that makes me American as well. Damn. Well I can play and you can't... so meh!

In other news, I'm making individual web pages for my nicer pieces of art and that will be uploaded shortly. Sorry for the lack of updates... Time has really been flying by lately. I think that I'm coming back to this stuff though, blah blah blah. I think that this post is too casual... and that I should write more formally without so many "..."'s and "bad" vocabulary. It's alright though, I don't feel like being sophisticated.

In other news, I REALLY REALLY want Corel Painter. The digital painting on the left here is Anry's work (it's credited so don't sue me). I also want to watch some Sexy Commando, the most randomly insane anime known to mankind. I could be wrong, but I'm going to call it the "most" randomly insane so that someone would prove me wrong... (don't prove me wrong with Dokurochan) and then I can watch the anime which they proved me wrong with. That'd be neat! Don't you think so too? Yes, yes you do think so too.