Jun 29, 2006

Internet Hatred

There are many kinds of people I dislike on the internet. In fact I will make a list, yes- a list. There's THAT much.

1. Advertisers. People who make advertisements.
ex: Viagra

2. Assholes. People who use the internet to relieve stress (in the form of pissing people off)

3. Forum whores. You people have a superiority complex. Nobody gives a shit if you have 2415 posts. Be nicer, stop being the "King of the Forums" and get outside more.
ex: Obviously you have NOT read the rules! You cannot do that! I CAN, but you CAN'T

4. Narcissts. People who think that their opinion is absolute and won't care to understand both sides.
ex: God he is like so stuped! Of corse the Matrix was the best movie ever, what is Citizen Kate?? Obvioiusly STupid!

5. Bloggers: Man these people are SO stupid, like ridiculous. Writing opinions on the internet like someone might care. Oh wait, that's me.

I'm sure there's more, but I think that's offensive enough.

Jun 28, 2006

Summer's Here Bitches

Well it would seem that the place where I reside (Redmond, WA) has hit its fucking record when it comes to temperature. That means it's hot here. Real fucking hot. It was fucking hot. Really. No seriously. For Seriously. Geez.

Currently I have a new laptop. Lovely indeed. It's a compaq but hey, it's real fast. Fucking fast. It's better than my desktop that I upgraded recently. AMD athlon and a 128mb Radeon. Just looked it up, a Presario X6000. Definitely good enough for Photoshop. The nifty shit about laptops is that it doesn't take up space. At all. So I can also use that lovely tablet I'm hopefully getting real soon. A WACOM Graphire tablet a 6x8 as well. Isn't that just lovely? Very. My brother has these nice speakers hooked up to my laptop as well. Creature II speakers by JBL, ask google what they are. Google will reply, "How do you not know what Creature II's are? They're fucking awesome. Awesome as MDRV700 Headphones that's how awesome motherfucker."

Oh, and working is fun, I don't know what you people whine about all the time. Whine whine bitch bitch. If you have a shitty job, get a new one.

If you haven't heard of Louis CK yet, you're missing out. A very cynical comedian. But most comedians are aren't they? Check out his webby at http://www.louisck.com

Jun 21, 2006

Opinions and Shit

I am procrastinating on life. Isn't that funny? I think so too. Perhaps I'm not procrastinating on life, perhaps I'm just... living life at a slow pace. Yes, that might be it. Just slowing down a crazy drive down the street of life... Oh that made no sense but I don't care.

Haven't really said much about film. I love movies. I really do. Especially independent films, some of them are just amazing. I only got to see one during the Seattle International Film Festival because I was busy dealing with my insane father so I didn't even know it was going on. The one film I got to see was "Live Free or Die". Absolutely hilarious... geez. I don't really give a fuck what rating IMDB gives to movies. IMDB can suck my dick.

I don't say that often about things, infact I've never used that insult. So I'm sure you all have an idea of how much I dislike website opinions. The funny thing is, this is also an opinion. That means that you have to make your own fucking opinion by reading this. Whether you read this and say, "Oh damn, Casey is motherfucking right." or "Holy shit that is one cynical asian motherfucker." Point is, you all have a brain, please use it. I don't think I see enough of that lately. The using of the brain. Watch the movie if it's in your area. I apologize if you dislike black humor. Actually, you shouldn't be here if you don't like black humor. Black humor is fucking hilarious. So much profanity... I apologize.

Jun 18, 2006


I have a job! That means I'm busier! That is NOT a bad thing because I will use the money to buy things that will help reduce procrastination so I'll upload more stuff up here! Like a tablet. Mmm TABLET. I could use a WACOM graphire tablet. Anyway-

Wait for updates on my website! My main page should notify you of when this page is last updated... although it's inaccurate at times. If you haven't realized it yet, I have a comic in the comics section. This is since 6/06/06 so uh yeah- if you were unaware and don't read my main page... I just told you. My main page is where news goes... FYI. Maybe I should have a news section... ugh

Very nice music... not very new but uh... I just wanted to say that the Samurai Champloo soundtrack and the Cowboy bebop soundtrack are both very very nice. Wasn't the director or something the same for those two? I think so, anyway. Onwards to a brighter future!

Jun 11, 2006

Halt in Progress

I've been celebrating these days. You know you're celebrating when you spend more hours of your life outside than inside. This includes sleeping hours as well...

But it's summer for me now. Got my high school diploma and everything. Much more free time on my hands and that's always lovely. Maybe I'll start doing some more shit here- updating blogs and what not. Lets start off with a few artists I found over these past... months? I'm not sure if it's been that long but it feels that way.

Ladies and gentlemen... Darren Waterston
Imagine this painting being over 90 inches wide. Simply amazing, I wish I could see it in actuality. It's very... dynamic. Something so large and abstract just being there. Wouldn't it be fun to be some kind of bacteria and you just see these huge transparent glob things floating around aimlessly? I think so too. Mmm- nice texture. The color sets a moody tone, which is nice because I can't see such an object as happy.

Here's some art from Justin Cherry- Most of his art is morbid or conceptual. Which is lovely, that is what I strive to portray well too I think. Yes, really.
Very lovely digital art wouldn't you say? Justin usually uses very small differences in color to portray tons of detail. Examples in this piece include the details in the structure and the very subtle changes of color in the woman's dress. All the colors are similar and not too crazy like most artists do these days.

Thank you for stopping by... this has been another episode of...
Okay okay... this post has been a bit too artsy but that's okay because I'm too artsy. Mmm artsytastic.
Some fine music for this evening

Hybrid - Higher than a Skyscraper
Hands off Cuba & Lambchop - Blur
The Unicorns - Thunder & Lightning
The Unicorns - The Clap
The Unicorns - I was Born (a Unicorn)
Minus the Bear - The Fix
Nujabes - Tsurugi no Mai
Nujabes - Aruarian Dance
Nujabes - 1st. Samurai

I can't guarantee it's fine, we're "different" afterall.
I think it's strange how many people can't understand why people don't enjoy doing what they do. As if all people are the same. If that's what you believe, you're still immature. My father is immature.