Oct 22, 2007

Sarcasm is Terrible

Ten Reasons Gay Marriage is Un-American (Stolen from BBC)

1. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.

2. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

3. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

4. Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

5. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

6. Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

7. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

8. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

9. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

10. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.


Everyone knows that gay marriage will eventually be enabled everywhere. The only question is, how long is it going to take? I don't really care how long it'll take because I'm not gay and I'm not going to get married (or I don't plan to at the moment). But still, it's very interesting to see how people react to this... homosexuality "infecting" America they say. Did you know that in some countries you can be executed or imprisoned for life for being a homosexual? Paranoid behavior, it's madness. It has to stop. We have guns man, we can stop em. Let's stop em. Stand the fuck up.

Jul 30, 2007

Just sharing some stuff

Alright so I've found some awesome images on the interweb, some are from little places like private oekaki thingies and some are from communities like deviantART, either way I think you'll like em.

The one on the left here is by some guy named Eddie over at some Oekaki thing. It's very beautiful I think, light colors, it's very childish coloring but it's not exactly child friendly. Reminds me of Katamari Damacy type stuff, which is always beautiful.

The photograph is by some person... on DeviantART which is a community I rather dislike because it's green and full of anime shit. However some people ignore that and enjoy the free bandwidth that the site has to offer because they know nothing of computers. I'm glad these post their work there because some of it is pretty fucking gorgeou
s. It's called "Music is my Aeroplane" and it's some kind of photomanipulation I think? I don't know, but it's pretty damn beautiful in a classy sense.

I've been working! I spent my money on two things so far: a 500gb Seagate Harddrive and a Nintendo Wii. There are images below in case you've lived in a cave (which of course you have). I have no games for the Wii (though I'm borrowing Twilight Princess from a friend of mine) and the harddrive is fantastic and I've used about 130gb already. On what? Secret... though it's not porn.

Summer is nice... I think I want to visit Daniel Smith though their items are quite overpriced. I got a catalog from them (because I'm subscribed apparently) and so it's nice to look through it and know that I can't afford it. Did I say it was nice? I meant horribly painful. Yeah, Horribly.

May 22, 2007

Awesome Colleging Shit

So I'm in college now- and I'm going to list stuff that I do there... in a list form, because I'm too lazy to think about sentence structure and that shit's annoying to read anyway. It's also going to be numerical, although not in any particular order. Let's get started then.

1. Go to classes, math, writing, portfolio. Notice I don't say what kind of math I'm in, I don't want to brag or the opposite.
2. Eat Fresh
3. Learn math at the tutor place. Because I suck at this math... it's hard.
4. Play billiards. It sounds so much better to call it billiards than pool.
5. Talk to strangers. I like talking to random classmates, though a friend is nice- because you can make inside jokes and TRUST them, which means eventually they could be useful in helping me when I think of something interesting... like a project or business.
6. Girls, my school doesn't have enough- although I'm not single in the first place- there should just... be more. Less stupid ones too. I'm transferring to a bigger college soon though, quite excited to meet some of my old friends as well.
7. Free food- there's so much free food! Hooray! In fact I'm making a free foods and events goers club- obviously unofficial.

8. Laptop- I have a laptop now, it has VISTA- are you JEALOUS!? HMM?!

Alright, so in conclusion- c
ollege is pretty awesome compared to high school. High school blows! All the idiots (err, most) are gone now so it's like- hooray for rational people! Though not always, there's quite a bit ignorant people... Maybe I'm anti-ignorant? Perhaps that's why I seem to think everyone is ignorant? Maybe I'm the ignorant one. We shall see! Not really.
There's a pool player... we call him the white knight. He breaks the balls by striking the ball like a lance... It's very interesting. We call that move the "Holy Lance" and so he's the white knight. Oh, and he's white.

Mar 24, 2007

Recent Stuff I Did

The past few months have been extremely nerdy for me- lots of games, anime, manga and shit like that. Of course it's always the weird stuff, I really dislike mainstream stuff for some reason...

Games I've played the past few months (in order of memory):
Resident Evil Remake for GC, Resident Evil 4 (PS2), Silent Hill 2 (PS2), Legend of Zelda: Windwaker (GC), Metroid Prime (GC), God of War, FEAR, CS: Source, 9Dragons, Space Cowboy, Source Forts, Shadow Flare, Diablo II, Rappelz, Final Fantasy 6 and 8. I haven't beaten most of these games I listed because I'm a game hopper, that means I'm fucking lazy.

Awesome shit I've watched or rewatched:
House (This ain't anime), Azumanga Daioh, Haibane Renmei, Mushishi, Elfen Lied, Prince of Tennis, Serial Experiments Lain, Last Exile, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Texhnolyze and I'm downloading all of Yuyu Hakusho, which makes me happy because I forgot it existed. I haven't finished watching most of these series... in fact I've only seen all of Azumanga, Haibane, Trigun, and Elfen Lied. I fucking hated Elfen Lied... I wonder why I watched the whole thing. Texhnolyze tries too hard to be hardcore I think, and uh- Trigun is classic. Azumanga is for japanese people sorry to break it to you non-jap folks.

Stuff I've been reading:
Yotsubato!, Azumanga, Deathnote (best series until volume 7), Hunter x Hunter, Gantz, Ichigo 100%, ClothRoad, Prince of Tennis, Great Teacher Onizuka, and others I can't remember. I really like the Azumanga guy's work... although it's only for Japanese people... once again. He also writes Yotsubato btw- and uh, it's really cute/amazing. The point of the book is to enjoy the simplicity of the world. ClothRoad was kind of a disappointment... although the visuals are quite outstanding.

This past year... I downloaded a shitload because I got this new 300gb harddrive. I think I caught up on my anime references and shit- although I didn't want to. I wanted to get better at drawing. But now that I'm caught up and have a lot of influence, perhaps I'll start. Knowing everything is the key to drawing something better than everything else I think.

My top 3 addictions for anime are Samurai Champloo, FLCL, and Azumanga Daioh.
My top 3 addictions for manga are Death Note, Yotsubato, and One Piece. I really wanted Gantz to be in that list too... oh fuck it- top 4.

I made a facebook account and deleted a MySpace account.

Here's something I thought of recently...
"I fucking hate it when a hot girl is very religious"

I found out I'm not atheist and that I'm a secular humanist. Which basically means atheists that want to make the world a better place. As hateful as I am, my primary goal is to fix the world hopefully through influence of art. That's my life goal, bitch. If that's ridiculous go fucking kill yourself. Um.... love and peace... hugs for everyone?

Feb 9, 2007

Copyright vs Imagination

Lately people seem to be suing the fuck out of each other because of copied ideas. It's pretty hard to be original at anything these days... Harry Potter was accused for being a stolen idea, The Pirates of the Caribbean, A Coca Cola Light commercial over in England, shit like that.

It seems that the gift of insanity is being noted and more and more just because everything that's "normal" has already been taken by the massive population of Earth. That means that if you want to be an artist you need to either be A) Extremely extremely talented/fast/whatever or B) Just fucking crazy. The shitty artists are the ones that draw the stupid doodles for elementary school textbooks. These people have an art degree and no talent- or they assumed they did, and failed at life. (Think hard, are you one of these folks?)

Examples of insane and/or imaginative artists:
http://rathergood.com - Joel Veitch
http://www.feric.com/ - Eric Feng
http://www.scottradke.com/ - Scott Radke

Some not so modern artists include:
(they aren't modern because they don't have a website)
Stephen Gammell
Vincent Van Gogh (clearly insane)

Life is tough, but that's what makes it fun right?
My suggestion is a back up job if you were thinking the path of an artist, unless you're so full of yourself that nothing can stop you. I'll see your doodles in my Microsoft Word "Clip Art", friend. Maybe you'll get lucky and get some shitty job as a teacher, you never know- unless it's your dream to be a teacher. That could always be an excuse.

Oct 14, 2006

Webcomics and Art

So if you haven't already, read 'a softer world' by Joey and Emily.
This is my favorite
Personally, I like the hateful ones.

Anime is not digusting. But what is digusting, is the influence that it radiates. These... anime artists are just bad. I'm not talking about Range Murata I'm talking about the young ones. Our youth, who continue to make fan art... and then they are into making fan art to the point that they think of becoming artists themselves. They just... they just don't get it. Although I'd like to point out the crucials reasons why they don't understand, I think that just stating this will let people wonder what they are doing wrong, and realize that eventually, they will just stop growing as artists.

Sep 23, 2006

On Gay Marriage

Hey folks, here I am. I've done lots of normal shit over the past few days.
Jobs and other jobs. Not much time... but I quit yesterday and now I'm a bit more free and happier now that I can work on stuff.

Now a personal opinion on gay marriage:
As long as people are passionately against gay marriage. People will be passionately against people who are passionately against gay people.

It's true this isn't a big problem in this country, but I'm sure it is to gay people. Personally I think people shouldn't be getting married at all.

Is that an absurd idea? Tell that to the gays who want to get married.

Anyhow- as Louis CK has put it. Sex is the one thing that doesn't affect anyone.
[ And I don't understand the arguement against it, legally. I mean I know what their problem is but how do they argue it in court? You know like, I can imagine like when they get to the supreme court and the lawyers for the gay side are like, "Well your honor, we pay taxes, there's nothing illegal about what we do, we're the same as everyone else. Why shouldn't we get the same protection from the laws that heterosexuals get?" and then they ask the other lawyer and he says, "Your honor, they're fucking quag! They're fucking quag!"
That's it isn't it? Isn't that the whole argument?
"Well okay chancellor but I don't see how that has--"
"What are you a fucking faggot? Your honor you gotta get a fuckin beatin. Faggooot!!"
Isn't that the whole argument? ]

and now a personal opinion to end this post:
lesbians are hot

Aug 1, 2006

Oh Noes

Busy as ever with 70 hours of work this week.
If you haven't heard of bumptop yet, here's a picture on their website.
This also reminds me of Artemy Lemedev
People are doing amazing things folks. Technology will probably consume half of the planet (if it hasn't already) in the next 5 years.

Jul 9, 2006

Work, College, Commissions

I need more time in my life. Simply put.
Or someone should just shower me with tons of money. Then I can stop working and obtain more time for myself. That would be lovely, but it's also unrealistic, selfish, and callow.

Here are some interesting people who live on the internet
Paul Robertson: Livejournal, Deviantart, MySpace
Justin Cherry: Website, Livejournal
Alex Stodolnik: Website, Livejournal, Myspace

Death Note (Jump comics) is fucking awesome. I'm unhappy that Light was caught.

Justin was in a previous post but whatever, he's awesome.
I've been making some pages, but I'm not uploading them yet... Because yeah, I'm slow and lazy
Been writing stories lately, brainstorming ideas and whatnot.

Jul 2, 2006


Bitch took his laptop back

Jun 29, 2006

Internet Hatred

There are many kinds of people I dislike on the internet. In fact I will make a list, yes- a list. There's THAT much.

1. Advertisers. People who make advertisements.
ex: Viagra

2. Assholes. People who use the internet to relieve stress (in the form of pissing people off)

3. Forum whores. You people have a superiority complex. Nobody gives a shit if you have 2415 posts. Be nicer, stop being the "King of the Forums" and get outside more.
ex: Obviously you have NOT read the rules! You cannot do that! I CAN, but you CAN'T

4. Narcissts. People who think that their opinion is absolute and won't care to understand both sides.
ex: God he is like so stuped! Of corse the Matrix was the best movie ever, what is Citizen Kate?? Obvioiusly STupid!

5. Bloggers: Man these people are SO stupid, like ridiculous. Writing opinions on the internet like someone might care. Oh wait, that's me.

I'm sure there's more, but I think that's offensive enough.

Jun 28, 2006

Summer's Here Bitches

Well it would seem that the place where I reside (Redmond, WA) has hit its fucking record when it comes to temperature. That means it's hot here. Real fucking hot. It was fucking hot. Really. No seriously. For Seriously. Geez.

Currently I have a new laptop. Lovely indeed. It's a compaq but hey, it's real fast. Fucking fast. It's better than my desktop that I upgraded recently. AMD athlon and a 128mb Radeon. Just looked it up, a Presario X6000. Definitely good enough for Photoshop. The nifty shit about laptops is that it doesn't take up space. At all. So I can also use that lovely tablet I'm hopefully getting real soon. A WACOM Graphire tablet a 6x8 as well. Isn't that just lovely? Very. My brother has these nice speakers hooked up to my laptop as well. Creature II speakers by JBL, ask google what they are. Google will reply, "How do you not know what Creature II's are? They're fucking awesome. Awesome as MDRV700 Headphones that's how awesome motherfucker."

Oh, and working is fun, I don't know what you people whine about all the time. Whine whine bitch bitch. If you have a shitty job, get a new one.

If you haven't heard of Louis CK yet, you're missing out. A very cynical comedian. But most comedians are aren't they? Check out his webby at http://www.louisck.com

Jun 21, 2006

Opinions and Shit

I am procrastinating on life. Isn't that funny? I think so too. Perhaps I'm not procrastinating on life, perhaps I'm just... living life at a slow pace. Yes, that might be it. Just slowing down a crazy drive down the street of life... Oh that made no sense but I don't care.

Haven't really said much about film. I love movies. I really do. Especially independent films, some of them are just amazing. I only got to see one during the Seattle International Film Festival because I was busy dealing with my insane father so I didn't even know it was going on. The one film I got to see was "Live Free or Die". Absolutely hilarious... geez. I don't really give a fuck what rating IMDB gives to movies. IMDB can suck my dick.

I don't say that often about things, infact I've never used that insult. So I'm sure you all have an idea of how much I dislike website opinions. The funny thing is, this is also an opinion. That means that you have to make your own fucking opinion by reading this. Whether you read this and say, "Oh damn, Casey is motherfucking right." or "Holy shit that is one cynical asian motherfucker." Point is, you all have a brain, please use it. I don't think I see enough of that lately. The using of the brain. Watch the movie if it's in your area. I apologize if you dislike black humor. Actually, you shouldn't be here if you don't like black humor. Black humor is fucking hilarious. So much profanity... I apologize.

Jun 18, 2006


I have a job! That means I'm busier! That is NOT a bad thing because I will use the money to buy things that will help reduce procrastination so I'll upload more stuff up here! Like a tablet. Mmm TABLET. I could use a WACOM graphire tablet. Anyway-

Wait for updates on my website! My main page should notify you of when this page is last updated... although it's inaccurate at times. If you haven't realized it yet, I have a comic in the comics section. This is since 6/06/06 so uh yeah- if you were unaware and don't read my main page... I just told you. My main page is where news goes... FYI. Maybe I should have a news section... ugh

Very nice music... not very new but uh... I just wanted to say that the Samurai Champloo soundtrack and the Cowboy bebop soundtrack are both very very nice. Wasn't the director or something the same for those two? I think so, anyway. Onwards to a brighter future!

Jun 11, 2006

Halt in Progress

I've been celebrating these days. You know you're celebrating when you spend more hours of your life outside than inside. This includes sleeping hours as well...

But it's summer for me now. Got my high school diploma and everything. Much more free time on my hands and that's always lovely. Maybe I'll start doing some more shit here- updating blogs and what not. Lets start off with a few artists I found over these past... months? I'm not sure if it's been that long but it feels that way.

Ladies and gentlemen... Darren Waterston
Imagine this painting being over 90 inches wide. Simply amazing, I wish I could see it in actuality. It's very... dynamic. Something so large and abstract just being there. Wouldn't it be fun to be some kind of bacteria and you just see these huge transparent glob things floating around aimlessly? I think so too. Mmm- nice texture. The color sets a moody tone, which is nice because I can't see such an object as happy.

Here's some art from Justin Cherry- Most of his art is morbid or conceptual. Which is lovely, that is what I strive to portray well too I think. Yes, really.
Very lovely digital art wouldn't you say? Justin usually uses very small differences in color to portray tons of detail. Examples in this piece include the details in the structure and the very subtle changes of color in the woman's dress. All the colors are similar and not too crazy like most artists do these days.

Thank you for stopping by... this has been another episode of...
Okay okay... this post has been a bit too artsy but that's okay because I'm too artsy. Mmm artsytastic.
Some fine music for this evening

Hybrid - Higher than a Skyscraper
Hands off Cuba & Lambchop - Blur
The Unicorns - Thunder & Lightning
The Unicorns - The Clap
The Unicorns - I was Born (a Unicorn)
Minus the Bear - The Fix
Nujabes - Tsurugi no Mai
Nujabes - Aruarian Dance
Nujabes - 1st. Samurai

I can't guarantee it's fine, we're "different" afterall.
I think it's strange how many people can't understand why people don't enjoy doing what they do. As if all people are the same. If that's what you believe, you're still immature. My father is immature.

May 16, 2006

Movie List- I ain't dead

I must say, I'm really busy.
I want to create a movie list however- films I have yet to watch:
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest
Snakes on a Plane
Corpse Bride
Cinderella Man
Aeon Flux
Lord of War
V for Vendetta
The Hills have Eyes
Night Watch
Flight Plan
King Kong
Brokeback Mountain
Saw + Saw 2
The Green Mile
Hearts in Atlantis
40 Year Old Virgin
Red Eye
Breakfast on Pluto

Actors I like:
Cillian Murphy
Johnny Depp
Anthony Hopkins
Edward Norton
Dakota Fanning
Brad Pitt
Robert DeNiro
Morgan Freeman
Matthew Perry
Russell Crowe

Genres I like (in order!):

Apr 9, 2006


It's been awhile, a lot of good and bad things have happened to me recently. Lets start with the bad things shall we? Yes, yes we will. On March 22 my car was totalled from a head on collision later decided as "failure to yield" by the other driver. That means I got hit by a car while I was going straight. Doesn't that suck? It doesn't end there unfortunately. The car insurance claims that I ran a red light because the other driver said so. Let's rewind- At the scene when we crashed he said, "I couldn't see you man! The car in front of me was in the way, I'm so sorry." Excuse me but uh, please don't lie. You had a green ball, I had a green ball, you took a left- who could be wrong? Anyway, the police report came in the insurance company has taken 1 week, yes- 1 week to review this thing. They still need to tell me if I get this money by reviewing "circumstances" and such. It's impossible to get 100% isn't it? That sucks ass. It did suck ass, I've been bruised on my knees, knuckles, and my lip from an airbag that smells like a fart bomb.
RIP (Rest in Pieces)- 1997 Red Toyota Tacoma

Jennifer, being in the car with me called up Ray (her boyfriend). Then I got a guitar! That's awesome isn't it? I can't even play a guitar. But now I have to learn because I have one and it's just so damn cool you know? Yes, it is- shut up you critics.

I'm learning piano and guitar at the same time. Although currently I have absolutely zero knowledge in playing this thing. However I plan on learning during summer or even sooner perhaps.

That being all awesome and stuff, about a week after all this was spring break. Seven days of absolutely nothing! Was what I imagined at least. Unfortunately that didn't happen (unfortunate?) but instead I helped a father's friend's... son! Get into a nearby community school. I'm telling you, he can't speak english but hey- that's what the intense international program thing is for. While waiting for this intense international program orientation I got kicked out because they took a test and such blah blah blah. Walking around the BCC campus I drew many neat things on some sticky notes and I've pieces them together just for you because I'm just so nice. Afterwards I showed him around Redmond and the Bellevue area like people do.

"What are you doing in my bed Mickey? We're not hot lesbian lovers."
This is one of those lines that make me happy that I waste a few minutes of my life reading webcomics.

Mar 19, 2006

Cutting the Momentum of Addiction

I have to stop playing this game... I'm serious. I've made 13 friends in 2 weeks because of all the addicted game play. I was maybe playing a bit of games here and there but right now it's like II spend every breathing second in this MMORPG. There are bots in this game, all the bots have garbled english names.

This reminds me when I used to play this game in korean beta. It was a big deal back then, there were lots of english players on the servers. The koreans absolutely hated the Americans because of an incident involving a military tank which ran over two l
ocal girls coming home from school. Anyway, so some forum members and I had a nice party and we were hunting some jelly enemies or something. Then out of nowhere a huge mob of koreans ran around us in circles saying, (typing?) "Go home Americans! FUK YOU!" and things of that sort."

I couldn't escape.

I mean, I'm Japanese, and saying that would just complicated things so I just didn't say anything and kept playing right? (nice grammar here) Then my teammate at the time retaliated with a "We're Canadian!" and then guess what happened? Yea, they all disappeared. It was pathetic. Ah, racism at its finest.

Okay, I'm going to scan in some sketches, finish my CP (culminating project) paper, and then start finishing up my gallery so that its viewable to all those who are interested.

After all this gaming I would like to say, "Two weeks is nothing compared to this guy." (see image)

Mar 9, 2006

Talesweaver 2

Hey guys, here's some art!
And uh... yes, I am working on making a new and better art gallery (HE LIES).

Sorry friends, (friends?) still playing this AMAZING game... I made a new character- but I'm going to stick with this one. Seriously. Anyway, some screenshots to make you jealous (if you're the least bit interested).Here's my hunting party in the waiting room
I did an explosive move... hitting 11 enemies at once, yay.
Combo systems are amazing! I hit 100 for the first time here.
Some teamwork!

Ah yes... Talesweaver... Anyway, back to gaming! I mean work. Yea, definitely working...

Mar 1, 2006


Yay for games! Yay!
I'm playing a japanese MMORPG called Talesweaver... it's so fantasmic! (that's fantastic and orgasmic put together... if you couldn't tell)
Edit: Apparently Disney World has a night of fireworks and displays called Fantasmic. Damn.

Anyway, the game is remarkably similar to RO, infact the only difference would be the combo system, level system, quest system, and the fact the whole game is sprites. Now that I think about it... I guess it's not so familiar. However, I still think that 90% of the game's influence comes from Ragnarok Online. I mean look at it... Anyway, I looove this game... Unfortunately it's Japanese and you bastards can't register for it. That's great! I hate American MMORPG's! I want to kill and dissect over half of the people I meet on these online games. It's completely insane how wasted the average American mind is. Technically I was born in San Francisco, and I haven't lived in Japan for 7 or 8 years so that makes me American as well. Damn. Well I can play and you can't... so meh!

In other news, I'm making individual web pages for my nicer pieces of art and that will be uploaded shortly. Sorry for the lack of updates... Time has really been flying by lately. I think that I'm coming back to this stuff though, blah blah blah. I think that this post is too casual... and that I should write more formally without so many "..."'s and "bad" vocabulary. It's alright though, I don't feel like being sophisticated.

In other news, I REALLY REALLY want Corel Painter. The digital painting on the left here is Anry's work (it's credited so don't sue me). I also want to watch some Sexy Commando, the most randomly insane anime known to mankind. I could be wrong, but I'm going to call it the "most" randomly insane so that someone would prove me wrong... (don't prove me wrong with Dokurochan) and then I can watch the anime which they proved me wrong with. That'd be neat! Don't you think so too? Yes, yes you do think so too.

Feb 12, 2006


Lately I've been bored... yep, just bored. I should be doing stuff, but I ain't. Instead, I'm just playing games and looking at the fascinating things that the internet throws my way. My favorite time waster is probably the sudoku, followed by many retarded flash games. My favorite of those flash games must be that helicopter game... Although at times there are "impossible" obstacles.

The game I've been playing recently is Katamari Damacy and Gunz. Katamari Damacy is fascinating and silly, while Gunz is what I play when I want to piss off those annoying kids. I like games that involve skill... and Gunz is satisfying me for now.

Oh! This bunny is named Oolong and passed away on January 8, 2003. I bring this up because I hit a raccoon on the way home last Tuesday. First road kill... a huge raccoon, it was horrible.
The man got a new bunny named Yuebing... which rhymes with Yu-ting... who is just someone I know. Anyway, tha
t bunny can be found here.

SmarterChild is kind of old but uh, I rediscovered him yesterday. It's been... an year? Probably more, I don't care.

What's your favorite hobby
[21:16] KCprototype88: Killing people
[21:16] Smarterchild: Wow. OK. Let's try to think of something else, alright?

I'm still an artist though, infact I doodle to the point that it worries me. This is a picture of my little artistic drawer thing. The very top of my organizer holds my schoolwork, the second organizer thing holds my doodles. Yea... that's like 15 pages of school and 100 pages of doodles. The next 3 drawer boxes hold paper, materials, and manuals to various things. You know those packs of 100 CD-R's and whatnot? I use the case to hold my more useful writing utensils and such.

Some people have been asking me how I made that pattern on my Mascot for Sakuracon... well you see, I have this neat paper- and I scanned it and uh... blended it on Photoshop. Nice description, I know.

Featured artist for today would be Okama, with a fascinating imagination that would make a wonderful concept artist. Oh what do you know? Okama is a conceptual artist, illustrator, and a mangaka (comic artist). What a coincidence? Eh? Eh? Strange name though, strange indeed.

Last but not least a picture of a cuttlefish... It was very beautiful, and yes- I found it on Google. Later, I searched on flickr... and that had much better results. However the most splendid photo out of all of them was on the Google image search.

Feb 2, 2006

To do list

I am making a to do list, to remind myself
here we go... first off a list of things to draw better:
Water and water movement
Islands and simplifying objects
3D objects, particularly machinery and gadgets
More and more anatomy
Mouths of people and basic emotions
Different types of surfaces
Lighting! Lighting! Lighting!
Okay, that's all for now.

Now a to do list for my website:
Individual pages for my neat works
Finish up the links page
Start a freaking comic and find out how to use code for that
Write the story about bazookas
Add design elements to website

That's it! Now back to school work. Darn

Feb 1, 2006


As my title suggests, http://flickr.com is the most amazing thing when it comes to photo references. You don't even need an account to browse through the millions of beautiful photos that are displayed on this website.

On another note, I finished my sakuracon mascot entry! (note: This is an ULTRA shrinked image- the original was super focused on 8.5x11in with 300dpi, which were the requirements for the image.) Anyway, I already turned it in, too late for fixes.

Um lets see... other news... I don't have much news, except that my kancer comic might be scrapped due to the fact that the character is a bit too simple and can only handle one "blank" expression. That's less than Mr. Goat. Why would I downgrade?

I'm also making a reminder for myself to work on creating individual pages for my works. This is so that I can explain the story behind the image, the work put into it, etc.

I'm forgetting something... Oh yes! I have to finish my links page, links are important. Boredom strikes hard. Today's linkage is Flickr, remember?

In a smooth mood today, I feel accomplished.

Jan 29, 2006

*f word*

I need a better computer... =(

Jan 24, 2006

Piano Lessons

I've started learning piano today. Way back when, I knew how to play piano, violin, and clarinet (in that order). However after many years it would seem that I have lost ALL (literally) my musical knowledge and so I decided to take on piano once more.

Receiving help from various people, today I started to learn piano in the early school hours of... the school days. Much thanks to Amanda (who will never, ever read this- unfortunately) and the other people who will hopefully help me along the way.

In other news, I seriously need to finish my Sakuracon entry which is only 1/3 done although I have 7 more days for completion.

Recent games include Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2), More Dynasty Warriors 4, Ragnarok Online, and Final Fantasy V.

This picture here is of... Seiken Densetsu 3. This is my third time playing this game because well... I keep reformatting my computer before I get to finish it. It's a great game, some crazy guy has even translated it into English (although the one here is Japanese) so anyway, it's amazing. Zelda (the gameboy kind) meets Ragnarok "Offline".

Jan 19, 2006


A fine list of techno for you to find somehow:

Misc Techno: (not sorted in any fashion)
Aphex Twin - Girl boy song
DJ Nagureo - 5.8.8.
KaW (Inspector K) - Tension
KaW (Inspector K) - Petrification
Cuevox - Reversing Darts
Brisk & Fade - Mindblowin'
µ-Ziq - Carpet Muncher
µ-Ziq - Brace Yourself
Risk Junk - One More Lovely
Sharpnel Sound - Dokudenpa
Sharpnel Sound - Torinouta
Sharpnel Sound - TGTMN
Rage - Uber Rave
The Flashbulb - Lawn Wake I (edit)
The Flashbulb - Lawn Wake IV (black)
The Flashbulb - Lawn Wake IX
The Flashbulb - Black Lawn Finale
Mars Volta - Things' Fear
Onoken - P8107
Onoken - felys
Iconociasm - Votum Stellarum

Popular Techno:
Chrono Trigger Soundtrack- Medieval Theme
Prodigy - Firestarter
Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up
DJ Taka - Leading Cyber
Akira Soundtrack - Kaneda's Theme
Mr. T - Xenon
TaQ - DXY!
TaQ - Holic
Rob Dougan - Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Mix)

Outphase - Quasar

That's all folks, tune in next time for some classical music.
I'm joking, although I like classical music... I just don't have enough to make a list.

Jan 17, 2006

Goddamn Dinosaurs

Dan's bracelet. I thought it was great... I asked for it, he said "no". Now someone else has it. I think I'm gonna cry. But instead, I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich.

Things have b
een going pretty well lately, and by well- I mean not so well. Not only have I been busy, but I have that strong feeling of procrastination creeping up on me.
I'm working on another logo design for The Breakers as well as a mascot for the Sakuracon contest due on the 31st of January. I have less than half complete on that so I am getting kind of panicky over that.

In other news, I've been playing a bit more Dynasty Warriors 4, StepMania, and Counter Strike. I'm not really bragging, I'm just telling you all what I do instead of writing my essay (which I just finished). An essay about defining a certain word. My word was value. Value is important, for instance that sandwich is worth more to me than you. Exactly. If you want to know more, read it here

Moving on, I would like to personally thank Josh for starting off my crazy obsession with food (since tacos and quesadillas). It is unbelievable that something so small has expanded this far.

OpenCanvas, a painting program that I thoroughly enjoy using has become more useful to me this week. I finally figured out how to use the tone feature (oh my goodness, it was SO easy) and so I'm quite satisfied with that.

I've created a wallpaper for you all and the folks at animepaper.net (to thank them for all the wallpapers I've been stealing for such a long time.)

A preview wallpaper can be found at my Photobucket host The real one can be found at my website shortly.
If you request any other sizes, please contact me through my email

I've also been making little buttons for my website buttons and thinking of starting a new comic project, I think I've uploaded a preview image of Fatty, my hamster that died of cancer. Since everything on my website revolves around cancer (like the fact that my sun sign is cancer, the fact that I think the definition of cancer 'unlimited growth' is neat, and some other ridiculous irrational reasons)

Anyway, all is well. Now back to studying for my finals, thank you very much.

Jan 6, 2006

Happy New Years 2006

Well it's a new year my friends, I would like to say that the new year has been pretty nice to me so far. I have organized my room so I could actually study for once however bigger news lurked inside my house all these years. When my mother went to UW to become an accountant she also took those many many classes- the one i'm referring to is art.

Yes, I have found her portfolio, but more importantly- a huge sketchbook with MANY blank pages. I can draw big now! That's wonderful, although I don't have a scanner that big. I suppose I'll have to photograph those pieces if I wanted to share them with the world.

Anyway, John's New Years party was pretty nice. The thing I enjoy most about parties would be meeting new people and just chilling I suppose. I met some old friends, met some new people, it was pretty nice. Infact if they weren't there (and Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4) I would've left early. At one point of the party I felt like I was 12, when I ate all the food and wanted to beat the crap out of many of those who came.

My New Years resolution is to attend college but stay as an artist. Hopefully I will get into UW Bothell, Western Washington, or the main UW campus.

Alright I think that's all, happy New Years to you all, I'm going to go make myself a nice sandwich.

Dec 26, 2005

Christmas 2005

I got lots of things this holiday! Everything about Christmas was pretty much great, the Roast Beef (Rib-eye), the presents, and a family reunion!
Okay so there was no family reunion (all my family live far far away so only my cousin came to visit)

Anyway, I got some awesome gifts, the first of my gifts would include 4 DVDs, 3 CDs, and lots of miscellaneous baked goods.

The DVDs to the left here... would include Steam Boy (supposedly interesting anime, have not watched yet), Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Brad Pitt is hot! Er, I'm a guy- Angelina Jolie is hot) That mo
vie was.... a "bit" unreal at the end, it was a nice movie overall though. Enjoyed the idea of the whole film.

Okay okay moving on, Shadow of the Colossus is the best PS2 game I have ever played, I think it beats everything, graphics are about as perfect as FFX, and the gameplay is like those new Zelda games. The music is climatic, the battles are very well thought out and the climbing system is just wonderful.

I think that everyone was making too big of a fuss for this game, however I am adding
myself onto the list of super fans for that game. Last but not least Chappelle's Show, which I have not seen yet (was too busy playing Shadow of the Colossus until like 4am).

Look at these pretty CDs! Lola Ray: I Don't Know You, Death Cab for Cutie: Plans, The Postal Service: Give Up.

I have been a fan of Lola Ray for an eternity and I really love their crazy crazy tunes.

I've known Death Cab for Cutie since...
Transatlanticism, Title and Registration is like... the best song ever.

The Postal Service is Death Cab for Cutie with pop music, I think it's rather good, although those who only enjoy guitars and drums would surely disagree.

Also played some Ragnarok Online, was rather proud of my 7 person party since I'm the leader and I invited them all. Private servers sure are nice, since there is no level gap for even sharing experience and lots of other great addons like extra commands and custom items/maps.

Later I made a guild with the same members! It was cool, I totally feel like a gamer right now, but that's because I have been a gamer this past few weeks.

What happened to my artistry?! Well fear not, I'm actually working on that sakuracon entry on and off perhaps every single day.

Last but not least I am leaving a reminder for myself to watch Quentin Tarantino's neweest movie: Hostel. (This image is NOT mine, same with the Dynasty Warriors one down there)

Dec 20, 2005

Mad Gamer

So I visited the Kinokuniya bookstore (at the Seattle Uwajimaya) a few days back and I got myself the new One Piece as well as this beautiful $25.20 comic book by various illustrators (the cover art is by Range Murata)

and wow, it's so good... So very good

One Piece is my favorite favorite manga (that means comic book, literally) and it's humorous, witty, adventurous, and just lots and lots of cool things.

I am not a big fan of manga, but I do read a select few including Detective Conan, One Piece, and Black Cat (the anime is terrible, or so I've heard)

I've been playing a boatload of games since break has started.
The one I purchased yesterday would be Dynasty Warriors 4

I can't begin to describe how beautiful this game is.
Basically you run around as a strong guy (an officer) and you lead your troops to kill other troops and officers.

However there's a combo system, items, upgrades, special moves, horse riding, siege weapons, a bow (it sucks), and even a one-on-one duel mode

There's a Dynasty Warriors 5, however I have the used copy of 4 and it's keeping me quite satisfied for now.

At unholy hours you'll find me playing Ragnarok Online with Varun
(if you play RO on private servers, email me)

I haven't drawn anything in 2 or 3 days, so I drew this little thing for the Sakuracon mascot contest

Yes, it's still not done- I'm sorry

I'm planning on completly doing some things digitally including the pattern on the kimono, the eye, and all the colors of course.

I still have to ink this drawing and yea, a huge process. I doubt I'll win the contest, however I want to try my best (although it feels like I could still try harder on this piece)

What a huge post this was, in fact it was so huge that you should comment if you read the whole thing because that's amazing. I would've stopped reading by now, so yes- Happy Holidays! Unless I post one more before Christmas and New Years.

Dec 11, 2005


Had a party thing yesterday, grilled chicken is good stuff.

Been finding some good music lately-
Want to point out some songs that are lovely
The Flashbulb - Lawn Wake IV
OK Go - Invincible
Anberlin - Naive Orleans
Death Cab for Cutie - Soul Meets Body
Death Cab for Cutie - Tiny Vessels

and that's it for now- I know that some of you are thinking, "Your taste in music sucks."
and well, that's okay because some things are all opinion.
Art, taste, music, entertainment, and a lot of other things

Dec 4, 2005

Lazy Saturday

Finally got this working-

Today I spent my day playing games-
yep, just tons and tons of games
Chrono Trigger, Gradius III, Stepmania, Counter Strike, Disgaea
Played all of em- guess I get bored of these things real fast-
Made me some udon champru (aka champloo) for lunch-
Then I worked on my website... remade the buttons, tweaked some settings for this blog, decided that there should be a comic section, etc.

I think my website lacks graphics- it is a bit plain besides the splash page with the shiny photo and everything.
So then I sat down and drew this little thing
Not sure how to use it yet but perhaps it'll come in handy someday- took 40 minutes
Materials: Printer paper, Sketch with Pencil, Copic Marker (100 Black), Micron 0.5, NeoPiko 0.1 Line Pen-
I realized that I have more black and white materials than colored materials.
Isn't that funny? Yes it is, haha